children’s ministries

Children are a heritage of the Lord… Psalm 127:3



Nursery is provided for Sunday School, church services, and Wednesday nights for ages 0-2. All nursery workers go through training and a careful vetting process.

Sunday School

There are classes for all ages beginning with ages 3 up to 6th grade. Sunday school takes place Sunday mornings at 9:30am.

Children’s Church

This is a special program that runs during the Sunday morning worship service for kids up through 1st grade. Parents may elect to keep their children in the regular service or send them to the specially designed children’s program.




Wednesday Night Programs

Truth Trackers is a biblically based program for boys and girls ages 4 through grade 6 that takes place on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm. Our focus is to teach the Word of God at their level. Each week we have a game time, a lesson time and a devotional time. The children work at memorizing verses and learn important Biblical truths as they interact with Gods Word on their level while enjoying age appropriate activities. The three groups are below:


TINY TRACKERS (3 5 year olds)
They learn simple truths through verse memory, Bible lessons, illustrative stories, and puppet shows. Tiny Trackers teaches these simple truths by teaching a special word found in their memory verse. That special word is taught through a memory verse, a short story, a puppet show, and a Bible lesson.

SCRIPTURE SPIES (1st 3rd Grade)
They learn biblical truth through Scripture memory, Bible-based lessons, personal devotions, and games. Each Wednesday night, Truth Trackers targets a certain doctrinal topic and teaches that truth to the children. All the verses, devotions, and lessons are focused to help teach the children to know and apply that truth.

FAITH FORCE (4th 6th Grade)
They learn the same biblical truth as the Scripture Spies through review, additional memory verses, personal devotions, and Bible-based lessons. Their club night also teaches a certain doctrinal topic and teaches the children to know and apply that truth.