sermon Archives

 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. ~1 Timothy 3:16-17


Special Services

To listen to sermons from holidays and special occasions, click here.




The Chronicles of Israel – 2 Chronicles Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2024 series on the book of 2 Chronicles, click here.



The Christmas Chronicles

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2023 series on the book of Luke, click here.



Church Charter – 1 Timothy Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2023 series on the book of 1 Timothy, click here.



The Chronicles of Israel – 1 Chronicles Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2023 series on the book of 1 Chronicles, click here.



Faith & the Future – 2 Thessalonians Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2023 series on the book of 2 Thessalonians, click here.



Gospel Hope – 1 Thessalonians Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2023 series on the book of 1 Thessalonians, click here.



The Wailing Wall – Lamentations Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2022 series on the book of Lamentations, click here.



Living in the Last Days – Jeremiah Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2022 series on the book of Jeremiah, click here.



Rejoicing in Christ – Philippians Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2021 series on the book of Philippians, click here.



Faithfulness in Times of Trial or Trouble – Kings Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2021 series on the books of 1 & 2 Kings, click here.



The Preeminence of Christ – Colossians Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2020 series on the book of Colossians, click here.



Hope in Judgement – Isaiah Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2019-2020 series on the book of Isaiah, click here.



The Church: Christ’s Body – Ephesians Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2019 series on the book of Ephesians, click here.



Connected to God Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2018 series on being connected to God, click here.



Faith in the Fire – Job Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2018 series on the book of Job, click here.


Revelation Series

To listen to Pastor Spink’s 2017-2018 series on the book of Revelation, click here.